speed of motor中文什么意思

发音:   用"speed of motor"造句
  • speed:    n. 1.快,迅速。 2.速率,速度 ...
  • motor:    n. 1.原动者;原动力。 2.发动 ...
  • motor speed:    电动机转速发动机转速; 电机转速; ...
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  1. At the same time , we can get the speed value of motor by differential computing the position value , so it is possible to accurately control the speed of motor
  2. But the original locomotive resistance - load test bed adopts scr as switched element , as a result , switched circuit cannot regulate the current freely , and the speed of motor with air - blower cannot be regulated too
  3. Doubly - fed motor adjustable speed is an advanced technique , which can be used in the adjustable speed of motor and generator of variational speed and constant frequency , also can realize the adjustment of power factor at the stator
  4. Sensorless vector control system of induction motor is not only an important aspect but also a hotspot of investigation in modern ac drive . the key problem is that how we can get the speed of motor accurately
  5. It is inevitable to choose servo motors while designing a cnc tool machine or parts , except the power , torque and rotating speed of motor , rotary inertia is a important performance to be must considered , especially in the occasion of rapid and exact feed moving


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  8. speed of operation 什么意思
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  10. speed of paper 什么意思


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